Insolvency (Amendment) Bill 2020 approved, bankruptcy threshold now RM100,000
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Tuesday, 25 Aug 2020 10:49 PM MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 25 — The Insolvency (Amendment) Bill 2020 aimed at amending the Insolvency Act 1967 (Act 360) has been passed with a simple voice majority in the Dewan Rakyat.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan, when tabling the bill, said Act 360 was amended based on certain requirements, including transforming existing legal framework into legislation that is more relevant to current needs.
He said that it was also to update the Act to be in line with the development and advancement of international law on insolvency, corporate governance and best practices in insolvency.
“(In addition), prepare the country to face any outbreak in the future or any disaster which may cause a wave of economic crisis,” he said when tabling the Bill for its second reading in the Dewan Rakyat today.
Takiyuddin said the bill would have a positive impact, like in giving individuals the chance to strengthen their current economy without constraints arising from bankruptcy actions and to boost economic growth and national development.
It also gives an opportunity to individuals to better manage their finances, more so after facing unexpected situations like Covid-19, as well as avoiding the sudden increase in bankruptcy cases in a short time.
Read more: Insolvency (Amendment) Bill 2020 approved, bankruptcy threshold now RM100,000
RM496,000 lesap lepas serah nombor pin
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Selasa | 25 Ogos 2020
KOTA BHARU - Seorang pesara kerajaan berputih mata apabila wang simpanan Tabung Haji (TH) dan Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB) miliknya berjumlah RM496,000 lesap akibat diperdaya sindiket Macau Scam.
Kejadian berlaku apabila wanita berusia 70-an itu terpedaya dengan taktik penyamaran sebagai posmen dan polis sehingga menyerahkan nombor pin kad mesin transaksi automatik (ATM) bank miliknya.
Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersil (JSJK) Kelantan, Superintendan Ahmad Azizul Mohamed berkata, pada pertengahan Julai lalu, pesara kerajaan berkenaan dihubungi suspek yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai kakitangan pejabat pos laju dan memberitahu bungkusan yang dipos mangsa sudah tiba di Sabah.
”Suspek memberitahu bungkusan tersebut mengandungi kad pengenalan dan beberapa kad ATM mangsa yang didapati terlibat dengan kes jenayah pengubahan wang haram.
“Mangsa kemudian dihubungkan dengan beberapa orang suspek lain yang menyamar sebagai polis temasuk pegawai penyiasat kes jenayah pengubahan wang haram tersebut,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan akhbar hari ini.
Guna alat elektrik diperakui ST elak renjatan - Mohammad Hamdan
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KUALA LUMPUR: Orang ramai dinasihatkan menggunakan peralatan elektrik yang diperakui Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) bagi mengelakkan berlaku litar pintas seterusnya mengakibatkan renjatan elektrik dan kebakaran.
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM), Datuk Seri Mohammad Hamdan Wahid, berkata pengguna perlu sedar peralatan elektrik tidak memenuhi spesifikasi ST dari luar negara dan dijual pada harga rendah adalah tidak berkualiti serta menimbulkan risiko kepada nyawa pengguna.
"Saya nasihatkan kena berhati-hati ketika menggunakan barangan elektrik, kena tengok dari manual penggunaannya. ST ada garis panduan.
"Pada masa sama, masih berlaku penjualan barangan elektrik yang diimport dan dijual di sini tanpa memenuhi standard tertentu.
"Perkara ini boleh mengakibatkan situasi cemas seperti litar pintas, kemudian menjurus kepada insiden kebakaran," katanya pada BH, hari ini.
Read more: Guna alat elektrik diperakui ST elak renjatan - Mohammad Hamdan
Suri rumah rugi RM60,000 ditipu 'pegawai polis'
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24 Ogos 2020 l Isnin
KUANTAN - Seorang suri rumah kerugian RM60,000 setelah membayar wang berkenaan secara berperingkat kepada seorang lelaki yang mendakwa 'pegawai polis', bagi mengelak daripada ditahan kerana terlibat dalam kes jenayah.
Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial Pahang, Superintendan Mohd Wazir Mohd Yusof berkata mangsa yang berusia 48 tahun itu dihubungi pertengahan Jun lalu oleh seorang lelaki yang kononnya bertugas di balai polis di Sabah.
"Suspek mendakwa kad pengenalan mangsa ditemui dalam serbuan jenayah di sebuah rumah di Sabah menyebabkan dirinya telah disyaki sebagai rakan subahat kepada penjenayah yang ditahan.
"Suspek juga dikatakan mengugut mangsa bahawa dirinya boleh ditangkap, namun terdapat jalan untuk menutup kes itu iaitu dengan membuat bayaran kepada polis dan peguam," katanya kepada pemberita di sini, hari ini.
Mohd Wazir berkata mangsa yang panik kerana kerap diugut sedemikian telah menuruti arahan itu dengan membuat transaksi pemindahan wang ke dalam akaun diberikan suspek, secara berperingkat mulai awal Julai lalu.
Beware the scammers cashing in on Covid-19
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August 23, 2020 7:30 AM
The Covid-19 pandemic has created fertile ground for get-rich-quick schemes.
The Movement Control Order (MCO), enforced in mid-March to contain the spread of the potentially deadly coronavirus, caused thousands to lose their jobs or accept pay cuts, something scammers were not slow to exploit.
Investment scams are just one kind of financial fraud.
Bank Negara Malaysia defines financial fraud as an illegal act involving complicated financial transactions. It falls under civil law and is usually conducted by business professionals with specific knowledge and with criminal purpose.
Investment scams in Malaysia
Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB) has warned Malaysians of a scam that uses the ASNB logo in a message circulating on WhatsApp, guaranteeing a great return on investment within a short period.
In another scam, a hospital consultant in Pahang lost RM63,465 from his savings account when he shared his personal account information on a fake Bank Negara website.
Woman lodges police report over payment dispute at supermarket
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August 20, 2020 10:04 PM
PETALING JAYA: A woman has lodged a police report claiming she has been “harassed” by a supermarket over a disputed payment for groceries.
On Aug 1, Vijiya and her parents went to NSK Selayang to purchase groceries and paid a total of RM556.15 for the items by using a BSN debit card.
However, she said, the cashier told them the transaction was unsuccessful and requested them to pay with cash.
Vijiya refused, saying the money had been deducted from the bank account. “My parents and I went to an ATM machine available in the supermarket to confirm the transaction by checking the balance in the account,” she said.
Despite showing proof of the deduction, she claimed the supermarket prevented them from leaving, saying there was no payment received.
Read more: Woman lodges police report over payment dispute at supermarket
WHO: Kids over 12 must wear masks
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August 22, 2020 @ 9:20am
GENEVA: The World Health Organisation on Friday recommended that children over 12 should wear masks in the same contexts as adults in the bid to rein in the Covid-19 pandemic.
The UN health agency, in cooperation with Unicef, published fresh guidance on Friday on when it is appropriate for children to wear masks to impede the spread of the coronavirus crisis.
The two UN agencies had convened a group of experts to review the limited data available on children's contribution to the spread of Covid-19, as well as on the benefits of mask-wearing by children.
Based on those findings, as well as considerations surrounding children's developmental needs, they said the advice varied in different age groups.
WHO thus recommends that "children aged 12 and over should wear a mask under the same conditions as adults, in particular when they cannot guarantee at least a one-metre distance from others and there is widespread transmission in the area."
Experts: Youth should have financial literacy
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PETALING JAYA: Financial literacy is vital for young people to better manage their financial resources, say experts.
Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Malaysia socio-economic research centre executive director Lee Heng Guie (pic) said: “Financial literacy allows individuals to better understand and maximise their financial resources.
“They must be equipped with the knowledge and skills that are needed to manage money effectively.
“Without proper planning of your financials in terms of commitment and how you use your money, your personal finances will eventually be impacted, ” he said when contacted yesterday.
“It is important that financial literacy is taught from young, when they are still in school, ” Lee said, adding that it was crucial to give young people a better understanding of the responsibility of managing their finances.
To impart greater awareness on the subject, the Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC) will be organising a virtual financial literacy programme in an effort to help youths acquire basic knowledge on financial management.
Sungai Klang bakal jadi sumber bekalan air Selangor
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18 Aug 2020
SHAH ALAM - Sungai Klang disasarkan untuk menjadi antara sumber bekalan air bagi kegunaan rakyat Selangor pada masa hadapan, kata Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari.
Beliau berkata, buat masa ini, sumber air bagi kegunaan rakyat di negeri ini hanya dibekalkan daripada Sungai Selangor dan Sungai Langat.
"Kerajaan negeri membuat perancangan ini selepas kita berjaya meningkatkan kualiti air Sungai Klang daripada tahap empat ke tahap tiga menerusi Projek Gerbang Maritim Selangor (SMG). Jumlah sampah yang dikutip di sungai ini juga dapat dikurangkan kepada empat tan berbanding 10 tan sehari.
"Rancangan untuk memanfaatkan Sungai Klang sebagai sumber air ini juga telah kita bawa ke peringkat Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air. Sebarang usaha termasuk pembinaan Loji Rawatan Air (LRA) Sungai Rasau akan diumumkan semasa pembentangan Belanjawan Selangor 2021," katanya pada sidang akhbar sempena sambutan Hari Sungai Sedunia Peringkat Selangor di sini hari ini.
Tambah Amirudin, jika rancangan berkenaan berjaya direalisasikan, Sungai Klang dijangka mampu membekalkan sebanyak 1,000 juta liter air sehari (MLD) bagi kegunaan penduduk di negeri ini.
Read more: Sungai Klang bakal jadi sumber bekalan air Selangor
TNB offers special incentive to light up Merdeka celebration
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August 18, 2020 @ 12:28pm
KUALA LUMPUR: Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) is offering a special incentive to encourage commercial customers to light up their buildings and surrounding areas with decorative lighting in conjunction with the 63rd National Day.
The incentive, which started in 2000, is offered to commercial customers under the B, C1 and C2 tariffs who have been in operations for at least one year (before Aug 1, 2019).
"They will enjoy the incentive for a period of two months, from August to September 2020. However, it will only be reflected in the October 2020 bill for those who are eligible.
"Buildings included under the incentive are skyscrapers, office buildings, commercial complexes, shopping complexes, hotels, and gas stations," TNB said in a statement.
Read more: TNB offers special incentive to light up Merdeka celebration
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